Cherry wants to reach the stars just like the butterflies she saw in her dream. Her grandfather tells her that it’s impossible but Cherry would always finds a way to make her dreams come true.

~ curious ~ adventurous ~ creative ~
~ full of mischief ~
Written and Illustrated by Damla Ayzeren
Age Range: 4-8
Hardcover - 32 pages / Paperback - 36 pages
Publisher: Kök Publishing 2011
Expert Psychologist Sebnem Kartal

"As she was looking at the stars on the book, Cherry suddenly dreamed herself among them and jumped up with excitement:
"Grandpa, will you take me to the stars?"

The Adventures of Cherry
The series is about the interesting and funny adventures of Cherry; a smart, determined and creative girl, who is on the other hand a bit mischievous.
The books aim to help children love reading while encouraging them for creative thinking, make them develop powerful imaginations and build effective relationships in their social environments.
In the process of writing the series, the child-focused expert psychologist Sebnem Kartal was consulted in order to shape the stories in such a way that it will be best for the development of children.
The original Turkish edition books of the series are included in the EBA online learning program of the Ministry of Education.
Written and Illustrated by Damla Ayzeren
Published by Kök Publishing, 2011